
978 1 58923 980 7
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Amazing glaze recipes and combinations : 200+ surefire finishes for low-fire, mid-range, and high-fire pottery

Get inspired and get glazing! Amazing Glaze Recipes and Combinations provides a captivating collection of sure-fire glaze recipes and electrifying combinations for low-fire, mid-range, and high-fire potters. Hundreds of photos and technically-edited recipes ensure you'll get the best possible results...

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Colour in glazes

Colour in Glazes teaches you all the methods for achieving colour in glazes, focusing on colouring oxides in detail, including the newly available rare earth oxides. Find out about the types of base glazes and the fluxes used to make them in relation to colour response as well as using colouring oxides to achieve depth and variety of colour, rather than resorting to commercial ceramic stains.

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978 0 3002467 97
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Cloth that changed the world : the art and fashion of Indian chintz

Chintz, a type of multicolored printed or painted cotton cloth, originated in India yet exerted influence far beyond its home shores: it became a driving force of the spice trade in the East Indies, and it attracted European merchants, who by the 17th century were importing millions of pieces. In the 18th century, Indian chintz became so coveted globally that Europeans attempted to imitate its uniquely vibrant dyes and design—a quest that eventually sparked the mechanical and business innovations that ushered in the Industrial Revolution, with its far-reaching societal impacts...

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978 1838 5101 14
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Fashioning masculinities : the art of menswear

Fashioning Masculinities: The Art of Menswear by Rosalind McKever, Claire Wilcox, and Marta Francheschini. Published by V&A Publishing. Overview: "A visually stunning exploration of how fashion shapes ideas of masculinity. At a momnet of unprecedented creativity in men’s fashion, and continuing reflections on gender, contemporary designers are questioning established forms. seeking to liberate wearers from traditional models of masculine dress.

This book combines fashion with artistic and broader cultural histories - looking at the designers, tailors, and artists who have constructed and performed masculinity from the Renaissance to the present day. It traces connections across and beyond European menswear, celebrating both rich tradtions an daring individualists.

Divided into three parts. Undressed reveals the role of the body and underwear in fashioning masculinities. Overdressed explores the power dynamics of sartorial bravado, while Redressed deconstructs a modern masculine uniform: the black suit.”

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Sound art : sound as a medium of art

This milestone volume maps fifty years of artists' engagement with sound. Since the beginning of the new millennium, numerous historical and critical works have established sound art as an artistic genre in its own right, with an accepted genealogy that begins with Futurism, Dada, and Fluxus, as well as disciplinary classifications that effectively restrict artistic practice to particular tools and venues. This book, companion volume to a massive exhibition at ZKM | Karlsruhe, goes beyond these established disciplinary divides to chart the evolution and the full potential of sound as a medium of art. The book begins with an extensive overview by volume editor Peter Weibel that considers the history of sound as media art, examining work by visual artists, composers, musicians, and architects alike. Subsequent essays examine sound experiments in antiquity, sonification of art and science, and internet-based sound art. Contributors then survey the global field of sound art research and practice, in essays that describe the past, present, and future of sound art in Germany, Japan, China, the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, Canada, Turkey, Australia, and Scandinavia. The texts are accompanied by an extensive photographic documentation of the ZKM exhibition.

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The Bloomsbury handbook of sound art

The field of Sound Studies has changed and developed dramatically over the last two decades involving a vast and dizzying array of work produced by those working in the arts, social sciences and sciences. The study of sound is inherently interdisciplinary and is undertaken both by those who specialize in sound and by others who wish to include sound as an intrinsic and indispensable element in their research. This is the first resource to provide a wide ranging, cross-cultural and interdisciplinary investigation and analysis of the ways in which researchers use a broad range of methodologies in order to pursue their sonic investigations. It brings together 49 specially commissioned chapters that ask a wide range of questions including; how can sound be used in current academic disciplines? Is sound as a methodological tool indispensable for Sound Studies and what can sound artists contribute to the discourse on methodology in Sound Studies? The editors also present 3 original chapters that work as provocative 'sonic methodological interventions' prefacing the 3 sections of the book.

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I wonder

Marian Bantjes’s highly ornamental, craftsman-like word-pictures have earned her professional acclaim and a cult following around the world. There is, however, another side to Bantjes’s visual work: her thoughtful treatises on art, design, beauty and popular culture that belie the decorative nature of her best-known work. These reflections, which range in subject from the cult of Santa, roadside advertising, photography and memory, and heraldry to the alphabet’s letterforms and stars, are superbly showcased in this beautiful book, which is now available in an updated paperback edition.

Intended to inspire creatives of any persuasion, this is more than a collection of ideas; it is an illustrated manuscript for the digital age.

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New vintage type : classic fonts for the digital age

Here is a lively and lighthearted survey that looks at the role that old and classic fonts from letterpress to slab serifs and beyond play in contemporary graphic design.

Written and compiled by the worlds leading graphic-design historian, the book provides hundreds of examples, as well as informed texts that will entertain, edify and inspire a new generation of students and practitioners to appreciate that the past contains typographic riches for the future.

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Roberto Salvini, la Storia dell'arte, l'Europa

Il volume intende offrire un profilo intellettuale di Roberto Salvini come interprete della cultura storico artistica non solo italiana, ma internazionale nei decenni centrali del Novecento. I saggi qui pubblicati ad opera di amici, allievi e giovani ricercatori delineano la sua statura di studioso di respiro europeo e l’ampio spettro dei suoi interessi scientifici centrati sul Medioevo, sul Rinascimento, sull’arte contemporanea secondo una peculiare metodologia legata alla corrente critica della Pura Visibilità e all’iconologia. Di formazione crociana con innesti proprii della cultura germanica che fa capo alla Scuola di Vienna, Salvini ha apportato nell’insegnamento universitario una dimensione sovranazionale che si riverbera anche nella sua impegnata campagna in difesa dei Beni Culturali, come Soprintendente nel periodo del conflitto bellico e poi come Direttore della Galleria degli Uffizi, il cui allestimento delle Sale dei Primitivi rimane come uno dei capolavori della Museografia italiana del dopoguerra.
Salvini ha aperto a molte generazioni di studenti la comprensione della Storia dell’arte come lingua figurativa impostata su problemi di metodo e su fondanti dati storici secondo una rigorosa lettura formale e filologica di cui paradigmatico esempio rimane la monografia su Wiligelmo.

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Il Duomo di Modena : studi e ricerche per un approccio interdisciplinare

Il volume presenta i risultati delle indagini e degli studi promossi e coordinati dal Comitato scientifico per il restauro del Duomo di Modena tra il 2008 e il 2014, in occasione dell'ultima campagna di restauri che ha interessato il monumento, riconosciuto nel 1997 dall'UNESCO Patrimonio Mondiale dell'Umanità insieme alla torre Ghirlandina e a Piazza Grande. Si tratta di un importante patrimonio di nuovi dati che sono stati raccolti e interpretati grazie a un innovativo approccio interdisciplinare. Essi hanno, da un lato, accompagnato e orientato gli interventi di restauro e consentito, dall'altro, di avvalorare nuove ipotesi interpretative sulle fasi costruttive del monumento e sui suo comportamento nel corso dei secoli, di precisare il progetto originario di Lanfranco e i termini del reimpiego di materiale proveniente dalla città romana.

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Essentia artis : az MMA 2019-2022. évi művészeti ösztöndíjasainak zárókiállítása és programsorozata : Pesti Vigadó, az MMA székháza 2023. március 2. - április 2.

Az Essentia Artis a Magyar Művészeti Akadémia Művészeti Ösztöndíjprogram 2019−2022. évi ösztöndíjas évfolyamának zárókiállítása. Az összművészeti kiállítás és programsorozat első ízben 2023 márciusában kerül megrendezésre, közel egy hónapon át várja tárt kapukkal az érdeklődőket. 2018-ban indult útjára az ösztöndíjpályázatát, amely minden évben 100 művész számára biztosít három évre szóló támogatást. A kilenc művészeti területen zajló elmélyült munka szakmai törekvései mellett fontos cél, hogy közösség is formálódjon, ahol művészeti ágakon belül és azok között is létrejövő, aktív és jövőbemutató együttműködések születhetnek.

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978 963 330 783 0
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J. S. Bach ellenpontművészete

''Ritmika, dallam és harmónia összefüggéseit folyamatosan változó megközelítések övezték a zenetörténet folyamán. A nyugati zene ezen három dimenziójának együtthatását, azaz magát az ellenpontot különböző stílusokon és különböző tételtípusokon keresztül lehetne bemutatni. Jelen kötet J. S. Bach fúgaszerkezeteivel foglalkozik, mivel ez a terület a zenei szakképzés célkitűzéseinek teljesítéséhez nélkülözhetetlen, és koncentrált formában képviseli a stílusokon átívelő zenei alaptapasztalatoka'' - fogalmaz a Bevezetésben a szerző.

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