Computer and internet use

  • Catalog

  • The library's electronic Corvina Catalog (OPAC) is available to all readers without registration.

    A valid library card is required to use the following services:

    - computer and internet use,

    - use of programs installed by the library on library machines,

    - use of databases and electronic journals subscribed by the library,

    - use of self-service printers – copy machines located in the library area,

    - local use of CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMs in the library.



    On terminal computers, digitized documents protected by copyright cannot be printed and copied – they can be only read. The works can be used for the purposes of scientific research or private study according to the Sect. 38 (5) of Act LXXVI, 1999 on Copyright.

    -In the building of the South Transdanubian Regional Library and Centre for Learning (Pécs, Universitas street 2/A) there are 2 terminals in the Reading Hall on the 2nd floor.

    - There is a terminal in the Library of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology (Pécs, Boszorkány street 2.) 

    - In the Library of the Tóth József Faculty of Humanities and Sciences (Pécs, Ifjúság str. 6.): 1 terminal in the Research Hall.

    - In the Library of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development (Szekszárd, Rákóczi str. 1.): 1 terminal.

    You can find information about the available books on terminal here.

    Wi-Fi use in the libraries of the University of Pécs

    You can choose from the following network IDs:

    - TK-LIB

    The service is available to registered readers  in the South Transdanubian Regional Library and Knowledge Centre (2/A Universitas Street Pécs). Login information:

    username: library card number,

    password: password for the library card. (By default it is an eight-digit code containing the full date of birth, for instance in case of 28 November, 1980: 19801128)

    - EDUROAM an 

    The University of Pécs takes part in the international eduroam project. Within the projects framework, the users of the university with a central ID (EHA or Neptun Code) can access the wireless network infrastructure of the participating institutions. 

    You can use EDUROAM according to the regulations of the project and the general rules of the institution operating the given infrastructure.

    Access is controlled at the home institution using the RADIUS hierarchy developed during the eduroam collaboration.

    Data required for entry as UP citizen:

    Username: Neptun or ETR;

    Password: password for EDU-ID.


    It is available in the Knowledge Centre building for conference participants on the terms set by the conference organizer.