LWW is the medical journal database of Wolters Kluwer. A total of 250 medical journals can be reached with full text. The collection covers all areas of medical science.

Journals can be browsed here.

The Biological Abstracts is part of the database, which is an extract from major articles published in the field of life sciences between 2000 and 2004.

 Remote access:

Neptun (EHA) ID and password required.

The steps are the following:

1.    Open the following page: and click on OpenAthens | Institutional text at the bottom of the page. 

2. Enter the name of our institution (University of Pécs) in the left search box.

3. On the University of Pécs centralized identification page, enter your Neptun (EHA) code and its associated password. (You can change the language in the top right corner.)

4. Accept the data service.

5. On the next page select "All Resources" and click OK.

Access: Financed by PTE
Source type: Fulltext
Provider: OVID